Scales & Arpeggios - Tips From Masters
A free tonebase pdf

Scales & Arpeggios - Tips From Masters

In this PDF, we explore scales and arpeggios as the backbone of a pianist's technical training and, more importantly, as a vehicle for developing our own musical fluency and eloquence.

  • The five-finger exercises Liszt assigned his students before teaching them scales.
  • Sergei Rachmaninoff on the proper touch to use when playing scales and the proper motion - 'stroking' the keys.
  • Chopin on the virtues of practicing slowly and effectively working up to virtuous dexterity!
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Imagine that you are actually playing upon the wires, ringing them with soft felt covered hammers and not with hard metal bars...
Sergei Rachmaninoff
What you will learn


As we grow as pianists, we must continuously strive to hone our technique; not for the sake of impressing others with scales performed at breakneck speed but rather for the sake of our expressivity and musicality. Russian pianist and pedagogue Josef Lhevinne believed that a pianist with poor technique was no better than an actor who could not speak simple phrases correctly.

  • 5-Finger Exercises
  • What To Listen For
  • Perfecting Arpeggios
  • Learn more in the PDF...
Scales & Arpeggios - Tips From Masters
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