Étude Op. 10 No. 12 in C Minor "Revolutionary"
Taught by renowned pianist
Frederic Chiu
As with most revolutions, Chopin's C Minor Étude, Op. 10 No. 12, begins with a crisis. Join maverick American pianist Frederic Chiu as he deconstructs the drama of Chopin's "Revolutionary" study.<br><br>For Chiu, the rapid lefthand passagework is a diversion from the true technical and musical challenge of the etude, which is capturing the rhetorical drama latent in half note motif that dominates the score. In order to inform your physical inputs, you first have to develop a conception that depicts the struggle of the half steps in both left and right hands. Then, when larger intervals are introduced (even as small as a whole step), suddenly the entire landscape is altered and new horizons emerge. The dramatic arc of the piece arrives finally in a coda tinged with defeat and withdrawal before a final last outcry brings closure to the tumultuous events.

