Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 2 No. 1
Taught by renowned pianist
Nicolas Namoradze
Join prizewinning pianist Nicolas Namoradze for an insightful lesson on one of Scriabin’s earliest works, the famous Etude in C-sharp minor, Op. 2 No. 1. Namoradze’s meticulous attention to every element of this work will help you capture its somber and emotionally wrenching atmosphere.<br><br>After a brief account of this etude’s history, Namoradze looks closely at what makes this piece tick. Its phrase structure holds some surprises, in addition to the typical two- and four-bar phrases, it also has some with five bars! These often include unexpected, mercurial modulations. Use these twists and turns in asymmetrical phrases to your advantage, as well as their insistence.<br><br>This leads Namoradze to a striking observation: good rubato should reveal structure, not obscure it. For this reason, make sure that little eddies in the musical flow don’t disrupt the trajectory of the phrase. He also suggests other strategies, such as making your rubati more gradual and smooth in execution, and also to keep your voicing and expression in sharp focus so you can maintain the tension even if you take time.<br><br>To maximize the emotional impact of this brief but poignant work, you’ll need some other means as well: a legato melody despite the thick texture, richness in the harmony and layers of counterpoint, and carefully structured choice of dynamics. Namoradze has answers for all of these: exercises to properly exaggerate voicing the melody, maintaining the illusion of legato with a sonorous, pressure-filled touch and keeping the hands close to the keys, nuanced pedaling to connect and show the harmony (even holding your foot off the ground at times!), and using silent playing to carefully train your touch. Through close attention to the dynamic markings, Namoradze shows that you must regulate your dynamics, saving your supply of magic for the absolute softest moment, marked pianississimo. This comparative approach helps interpret Scriabin’s expressive surprises in the recapitulation so you know exactly where to give your all and when to die away.

