Joaquín Rodrigo
Composer biography

Joaquín Rodrigo

Rodrigo's music is among the most popular music of the 20th century. In particular, his Concierto de Aranjuez is considered one of the pinnacles of Spanish music and of the guitar concerto repertoire.


Joaquín Rodrigo

Joaquín Rodrigo, (born Nov. 22, 1901, Sagunto, Spain—died July 6, 1999, Madrid), one of the leading Spanish composers of the 20th century. Although blind from age three, Rodrigo began music studies at an early age and later became a pupil of Paul Dukas. While in France he made the acquaintance of composer Manuel de Falla, who became his mentor.

In 1939 Rodrigo returned to Spain. After the first performance of his highly successful Concierto de Aranjuez for guitar and orchestra (1940), in Barcelona, he was widely regarded as the leading post-Civil War Spanish composer. He later became a musical adviser for Spain’s national radio and, from 1947 to 1977, held the Manuel de Falla Chair of Music at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Although best known for his music for guitar, such as his Fantasía para un gentilhombre (1954; composed for guitarist Andrés Segovia and orchestra) and Concierto Andaluz (1967; written for the Romero family), he also wrote concerti for other instruments (such as Concierto heróico for piano and orchestra, 1942, and Sones en la Giralda for harp and orchestra, 1963), an opera (La azuzena de Quito, 1965), a ballet (Pavana real, 1955), solo guitar and piano pieces, and 60 songs.

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Joaquín Rodrigo". Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 Jul. 2023, Accessed 13 July 2023.

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