Transcendental Etude No. 8, 'Wilde Jagd'
Taught by renowned pianist
Asiya Korepanova
Join powerhouse pianist Asiya Korepanova for a lesson on Wilde Jagd, Liszt’s wildest etude. With Korepanova's step-by-step practice tips to demystify even the trickiest passages, you'll be nailing the leaps and conjuring up the spirit of the hunt in no time.<br><br>The main challenges of this etude are its rapid changes and precipitous leaps. To master them, Korepanova recommends specific mental groupings to structure your movements, feeling a strong underlying meter despite all the surface disruptions, close-to-the-keys choreography to bounce repeated chords, and memorizing distances by skating across the surface of the keys as if you were blind. She uncovers the points of greatest intensity, as well as the best opportunities to rest.<br><br>This etude tests more than your reflexes: it also tests your imagination. Full of vividly descriptive music, Wilde Jagd shows the unpredictability of hunters and hunted alike, the orchestral richness of horn calls, and a passionate love scene in the middle section.<br><br>To bring out these myriad characters, Korepanova finds the ideal moments for colorful voicings, clear yet atmospheric pedaling, and rich finger-pedaling. She also shares her tips on pinky endurance and achieving powerful tone without harshness.

